Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Bleak 19th

Yeah. Completed 19. Yay. This is the second version I am writing today, because the first one sounded too planned. And for me, too much plan MUST lead to an early demise. After a point, I realised I didn't have anything more to say. I did, but all of that was what is expected of me to write. Yeah, I'm happy with my life, I'm sad with others' life, the same old routine shit. The same routine every affluent "College Revolutionary" will utter. It's true, that I am happy, and I am sad too. But does it really matter? It is my birthday, and I should be given some importance on this day atleast, the day I graced this world. But no, importance to me alone cannot be allowed. It can't be allowed because the world is not happy, or sad. It is just existing, existing while going down the excretory whirlpool. The world, including me, and you, we all have, and are going on committing crimes one after the other. Crimes against existence. The existence of the world, others, and us. We are not living, we are a bunch of near-dead madmen trying to grasp the existence of an 'existence'. Or are we?

As the age increases, the questions too increase in volumes. And the following silence, when added together, may make one realise how vast emptiness can be. Life isn't good. Life can't be good, and the faster you realise that, the faster you can start working against life. Because if you don't, you'll die. And I'll die. The death which makes you a bit more dead every passing day.

Age, breaks innocence. Knowing that, it can't be a "Happy Birthday" anymore. So, just an indifferent birthday, old boy. Oh, and sorry the 17th me and the 18th me, I know you wouldn't have wanted me to reach this destination. But the path you had chosen back when you were 0, has lead me here. All I hope for, is the move towards a less bleak 20th. Do tell me about it a year later. Till then, goodbye, and may the Existential Crisis be with you.