Thursday, July 11, 2013

CL Leaflet

JU. Comparative Literature. The tattered 'half-brother' of single language departments. But this campus, it will become your family in a matter of few days, and in every corner of it, you'll find something to take back to life.

"What is Comparative Literature?", "What do you study in this subject?", "Ki je porish chhaipash oi 'college'tay' giye?",  such and more questions shall stay around to bug you, but honestly, would you care? The coming days will be well-spent on studying the Tarantin-ian 'Theban Plays', or maybe embracing the aesthetic power of Kalidasa, from reading propaganda of Mayakovsky, to manifesto of the 'Fyatarus', or maybe just switching between the caress of Satyajit and the craziness of Fellini. And there shall always be a guitar to be found here, which will sing out loud what you've always wanted to say in whispers.

Classrooms, the walls, the chairs and desks, and the lack of chairs and desks, all this awaits you, along with the Addas, The tea-and-cigarette breaks, the poetry books, and the jhil''er hawa. And waits for you, somewhere in the longlost alleys of this beloved campus, love and revolution.

We love to have a revolution at the drop of a hat, and we believe our love is revolutionary. 'Dialectics' you may hear one of us utter in reference to this writing. But really, remember what Neruda said when he Explained a Few Things?

Come and see the blood in the streets.
Come and see
The blood in the streets.
Come and see the blood
In the streets!

Seriously, do you not see the blood on the streets? And everywhere around in this violent world of ours? Jadavpur provides an escape, but Jadavpur shows you the way to wipe away that blood too, for the answer has always been blowing in the winds, and you know it too, don't you?

And once all of that is done, there will still wait for you the canteens, the jhils, the bridge, the post as well as the pre-modernists, the lover's glance, and the music of life blaring loud across this beloved home of ours.

Welcome home. Welcome to Jadavpur University.

Forum for Arts Students (F.A.S)

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