Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Human Spirit (The oldest one)

When I'm in my bed at night

A Voice whispers in my head

Voice: What am I?

Me: Well, how the hell should I know who you are?

Voice: No seriously tell me what am I.

Me: Bug off! Don't disturb me.

The voice keeps on nagging.

Me: Your a pretty little irritating twitch, aren't you?

So I ask it 'Who are you?'

the voice doesn't reply

Me: Well what's your name

Voice: I don't know, i cant remember.

Me: Then go bug someone else. I need my beauty sleep.

suddenly the voice speaks out loudly

Voice: Wait. I know who I am.

Me: Great! Congratulations! Now let me sleep, please!

Voice: I am Death

Me: What???

Voice: I give Life.

Me: What the fuck!

Voice: I am Fire

So you can feel Ice.

I understand its urge to pour some leaded philosophical lecture in my precious ears. There goes my fine sleep out the window.

It keeps on blabbering

Voice: I am Thirst,

so you will quench me.

I am Hunger,

so that you will sate me.

I am Apathy,

so that you feel Empathy.

I am Poverty,

So you will know Plenty.

I am Hate,

so that you price Love.

Me: Man are you then somekinda' god or shit?

Voice: No, I am not God.

And yet, I am not Satan.

There he goes again

I am not Paradise.

And yet, I am not Hell.

I am here.

I am not here.

I am there.

I am not there.

I am where you are.

But also where you are not.

Me: You're just confused.

There is another pause. Voice resumes, now slower.

Voice: Confusion, is a myth. I am just speaking what you wish me to speak.

Me: I don't want you to utter a single more shit!
But it continues.

Voice: For without death, where is life?

For without hate, where can you find love?

For without hitting the bottom, how will you now that there might be a way up?

For without me, how do you know that there is better, that there can be better?

I am, the one. I am, the none.

I am time, and I am space. Yet I am one without a face.

Now do you know who I am?


Me: Nope..........

This is one of my earliest pieces. I have tried to leave it untouched.


  1. Ah. After Untitled 3,this feels much better! Has the spontaneity Anushka mentioned! Enjoyed it. Reminded me a bit of Karthik Calling Karthik-"I am just speaking what you wish me to speak." The replies that "Me" gives are fantastic! Anyway,great work,kid!
