Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sisyphus Revisited

  It was midday now, and no one was in sight. No one was supposed to. Not a single tree, a shrub maybe, for some shadow. God, this is one lonely place, it's midday, the sun is beating down on the earth like some molester, and he's just halfway through the mountain. The top, still far away, and this boulder just seems to be increasing in weight.
  It's getting heavier and heavier, the boulder. And if he doesn't complete this task by sundown, he'll be in for some hard times, but then again, what if he doesn't, what if he stops now? It'll roll back down anyway. No, he couldn't have stopped, maybe just this once the rock wouldn't roll down, and he'd finally be able to see the sunrise from the mountain top.
  Did he really need to think himself better than the rest? Would it really be hard if he just stayed quiet and submissive? But no, he had to go on and give the higher being a piece of his mind, stupid bitches. Now, suffering. He almost spat out in rage, but decided not to waste the fluid.
  Suddenly, he saw a figure, a tall, maybe slender figure appear in the distance. It had flowing hairs, and the curves in the right places clearly pointed it out to him, that figure, was the representative of the opposite sex. Must be one of those stupid messengers of the higher being, he thought, as he approached the figure.
  "Hello ma'am. Looking for someone?"
  The figure turned towards him. She had no eyes, but stones in place of the eyes. She turned around towards him, and stood still.
  "Err, ma'am, you looking for someone, or maybe are you lost?" He kept his patience, and asked.
  "Are you Sisyphus, the banished one?" What a killer voice, he thought, better than any Monroe or Hephburn, on any given day.
  "Yes ma'am, I am the one you ask for. You need something from me?" He dared not flirt, who knows what might be the end result.
  "No. I don't need anything, and stop staring at my breasts." He checked himself quickly, thinking how could she understand that, being all blind and stoned.
  "I heard you were looking for some shadow, on this broken earth?" She asked.
  "Yes ma'am, today's kinda extra hot, and since there's no lemonade stall in sight, a little amount of shadow to rest would be nice."
  "But don't you have a work to do, pushing stonechips up the hill, or something?"
  "Err, yes. But that can wait. Actually, it can roll down again, I'm quiting this job of pushing stuff up mountains, I wasn't built for this kinda hard labour. I was actually thinking of joining movies maybe, don't you think I'd make a nice little hero, or something?"
  "I don't know, I have no eyes, hence I don't see, what you see. Tell me, do you want a little piece of shadow?"
  "Then come, stand behind me, where my shadow falls on this earth."
  "Err, ma'am, you're kinda on the thin side, and I'm rather proud of my chest size. Do you think I'll fit?"
  "Err, okay."
  And he squeezed himself into the shadow of the woman.

  And the sky became dark, clouds were hording into that little space above, like bulls. And the heat, it vanished, a wind started blowing in its place. And suddenly it started raining. He sat there, quietly, in the shadow of that strange woman. And the woman, she stood there, like a nightwatchman turned into stone.

  As he sat there, he observed the earth keenly. It didn't seem that barren, infact, grasses were actually present, here, and maybe there. Wonder why he'd never noticed them. And he actually observed a little sapling, trying to grow up, right beside where he sat. And he saw rabbits and gazelles run away, just a few feet away from him, and birds seemed to flock the dark, smiling sky. All the while it drizzled. It drizzled on, and on, and he had no umbrellas with him, he forgot to bring it today.

  He stood up. Enough. He walked out of that little piece of heaven. And everything vanished. There he was, the boulder lying a few feet away, it still hadn't rolled down, and there was the midday sun in the sky, the burning inferno, and there was the mountain top, still a long way away, and there he was, standing.
  "What's wrong? Didn't you like the rest you received?" For the first time, the woman sounded concerned.
  "Yes. I did. And I have a job left to do. Thank you, and goodbye." He left quickly. Before the woman could utter anything, he moved on, leaving her behind.
  He was rolling the boulder up, he was sweating. The top was far away, and it was a long journey ahead.
  Sisyphus, was stuck.

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