Thursday, August 4, 2011

Love Letter to Loneliness

Bonjour Madamoiselle, or whatever the spelling is. I know, I know, I haven't been frequent, it's been a long time etc. etc. But you can't seriously threat me this time that you'll bring the "sky" down on my head, you've already sold it bitch! Haha, yes I've been away but I do keep a note on you. You see, I love you a lot. I know, I cheat on you and stuff, but come on, who doesn't? Err, okay, yeah, you don't. But that ain't my fault milady, if you can't find a better past time. Anyway, so how's it going writing you manifesto of love? You know, one day, you and I have to agree on this topic. There's no other way out. You know, we can fight over this over a cup of coffee and eternity, but you'll see, we'll agree in the end. After all, you love me, don't you. Okay, okay, I'll shut up. But if I do, what'll you say? You ate up your tongue that time when I said I won't be coming back. I was going away forever. But I lied. I can't really. You shouldn't be baffled by this tomfoolery of mine, you're strong enough. You know, let's just be quiet for a while and listen what night has to say to lovers.
     Okay, well not much, except the occasional last screams. They're creating a Revolution out there, do you understand? Do you? And all we're doing here is sitting and nibbling on our damped souls. Mother of a rainbow raccoon, you' hear that? They're celebrating! Must have got a big chunk of meat this time. You know, one day we'll just chop up ourselves into millions of pieces to feed that insatiable hunger out there. And then maybe you'll agree with me, that love ain't eternal, it's just the lost pages of some cool killer drama of the greater being, written with well intentions, well, till the lesser beings puke'd on it. Ah crap, stop yelling! I can't hear myself think.Old dialogue, but put to full use, you see.
    You know, Lennon got it right in "Working Class Hero", well, almost, till the very last line. Atleast that's what baba says. What we should study about is, why is the rest of the song so right? Whadda you say? I'm getting old? Haha, you're the old hag, not me. I could have quoted Rabindranath here, but I'm too illeterate to do that.
    You know, its getting dark, and I should just stop waiting for Mr.BigBadWolf to come up and tell me why there never is that Mr.Li'lTenderWolf in life. Someday I'll stop. But its getting darker now inside the head, you see. So I must leave you. Yes, I'm going away again, but I'll be back, don't you worry love. Till then, our train's just passing through that dark tunnel filled with daylight. By the way, you should start dressing up, the goasyoudon'tlike is in a few days. And cut down on being go soggy, will'ya. But then again, who am I to say? I smoke cigarettes so I can be brave. Or not.
                                                                                                              Yours fearfully,
                                                                                                              The social Narcissist.

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