Wednesday, March 2, 2011


       Once upon a time, there was this angel. All black and white, and holy and halo. But she was not your ordinary angel. She was different from the rest of 'em, her parents, her friends, her foes, and the rest of 'em. She had no wings.
       No feathers, no bones jutting out from her back, no tickling sensation near the rib, not even the whole theory of "I-can-fly-so-I-will" attitude. She just had no wings, and she just couldn't fly.
        Now having no wings, is such an extraordinary event, that it wasn't even disgraceful. No one ever made fun of her, no one bullied her in school, and unlike the normal cases, she wasn't even considered an outcast. This 'no-wing' stuff was just so completely new for all of them. How could it possibly feel not to be able to fly? Doctors had nothing to say, this was a new discovery in the field of medical science. Some super disfugurement of the genetics could only lead to such a change in the anatomy. The soothsayers had nothing to say. This was just an out of the imagination thing to have happened. Nothing went wrong anyway in this world, so this possibly couldn't be an omen. Everyone was curious. What was wrong with this no-wing kid? Everything else seemed fine.
        As she grew up, she became more and more pretty, just like the rest of them. But when others used to fly around, hang out with their lovers behind the clouds, or just maybe play aerial football, she was the one left standing on the ground.
         Her parents bought her toys, coloured unicorns, rainbows, and other things, to keep her distracted, so as she was not reminded of her lack of wings. Being the rich people they were, just like the other folks, they could afford it. But no matter what, she would always feel precarious because of this certain lack in her. She would try hard to make those wings grow, but they just refused to come out.
        Now being the nowinged one was hard business. Everyday in the morning, her parents left to work, flying away cheerily. She'd go to her school, and there would be the other angel kids. They'd play with her, talk with her, be polite with her, but no matter what, she always would be the no-wing one.
        She always searched around, someone should have been out there, just like her, who'd understand her feelings, someone exactly like her. But all of them were similar, all of them had wings, all of them were the same. No one was different, like her. So she wanted to be like them.
        One day, while searching around in the school library for something she did not know existed, she bumped into a certain book. It went by the name of "The Little White Book: Everything an Angel shouldn't know". Now, any book with that name was bound to be popular, but this seemed to be a pretty old book, just dumped into a corner of the bookshelf. It was in this book she read the most important thing she'd ever got to know.
        "Fear lends one the wings to fly."
        That's it, this is what she had to know. She had to know what fear was, and she'd be flying in no time. So she decided to face fear.
        But sadly, being one of the angels, she had no fears, no fear of lizards, spiders, aliens, domestic abuse, not even CIA or the Great Angel Punisher, the machine of the myth which ate angels to create tears, but it was a myth only. But like every other angel, she was scared of death, that's one thing everyone's scared about, so she too had to.
         So one fine evening, when the moons were shining bright, and everyone was at their home, following the Cricker World Cup, she went up to the roof, she climbed up over the railing, and she jumped.
        Any moment now, and then she'd be flying around, wheezing around in the air, bringing peace back to everyone's mind. But anxious moments passed, and she kept dropping. It was then she realised to her disgust and horror, she wasn't even scared of death, or any of its friend for that matter of fact. She felt disgusted with herself. Why couldn't she even be scared, of if not of anything else, atleast death?
        And she realised, she never was an angel, and she could never be one, no matter how much hard she tried. She would always be the 'no-wing' one, the only one of her kind.
        And she hit the hard, cold, Earth.

An old piece, with great dollops of editing. This is for you, Anwesha :)

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